How To Use Cloaker Script And Download  Nulled Latest 2014 Free
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How To Use Cloaker Script And Download Nulled Latest 2014 Free


How to use script: Open script in good text editor, put your websites (money links), your email account where to receive logs (optional) and...

How to use script:

Open script in good text editor, put your websites (money links), your email account where to receive logs (optional) and check options � with switches true/false you can enable/disable specific functions in script and make it to work just how you want and need.
NOTE: � be careful while editing around links, one missing or added comma, apostrophe or bracket can make error.
- Upload script to your FTP server and send traffic to it , script is currently named june-26.php but you can rename it to somethingelse.php and send traffic from twitter and/or other sources to

How it works:

 Script is separating traffic by type of visits � mobile users will be redirected to mobile sites and offers, desktop/laptop visitors to regular sites and offers, and bad bots/ip�s/hosts will be redirected to safe sites, random news sites
- All you have to do is to send traffic to the script; traffic will be checked for all bad or undesired visits looking in IP / Bot / Host lists in the script.
This database is good for my needs but if you want something else to allow or redirect from your site, you can remove or add your data. Google is your friend, use available resources to check and find what you need to block.
This is basic protection of sites from enormous number of bots, content stealers, seo statistics services, crawlers etc.
This is not adwords / bing / facebook cloaker. Something like that does not exist.


- no-cache headers that are rotating �time in past� data on each visit | prevent from search engines cashing and gives randomness / reduce footprints
- mobile recognition, optional usage (if you don�t want to redirect mobile users, switch true to false)
- IP recognition works with ranges ( and / or CIDR ( format
- extensive list of IP�s / Bots / Hosts (lists of crawlers, bots and IP�s from various forums and sites for tracking bots, botnets, malware domains etc plus my findings)
- redirect of blank referers and / or searches with colon sign ( : ) in query
- logging of Date / Time / User Agent / IP / Host / Tor and Proxy access / GET and POST requests / Screen Resolution, OS, Browser plugins
- logging summary � Total Hits and Unique Hits for each logged group.
- logs separated in 3 files: 1. regular desktop visitors, 2. mobile visitors and 3. bots/ip�s/hosts
- send logs to hotmail, gmail or domain email by your choice. Timeframe is adjustable, currently default report emailing is set to 12 hours
- option to send visitors coming with specific referrers to safe sites (random news sites)
- option to send visitors coming with specific referrers to specific sites by your choice
- switch to use script with curl fetch OR with classic 301 redirect / Curl will show same domain where script is but other website in it (websites by your choice), 301 redirect is doing full redirect to another domain
- script can erase itself after X hours or days from the server (optional, if you are doing some funny stuff)

For more info and help contact on given parameters:
Facebook: Shah G

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Shah G Info Center: How To Use Cloaker Script And Download Nulled Latest 2014 Free
How To Use Cloaker Script And Download Nulled Latest 2014 Free
Shah G Info Center
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