Windows XP SP3 Black Edition Full 32bit Download Free


Windows XP SP3 Black Edition Full 32bit Download Free <a Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit Black Editi...

Windows XP SP3 Black Edition Full 32bit Download Free


Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit Black Edition

||Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit||

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General Info:
* This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit (Volume License) ISO.
* Unattended Installation with Prompt repair option.
* This Windows XP is updatable out of the box and Valid WGA CD-Key is already inserted and no Windows XP Activation needed and a WGA crack will be also installed.
* Includes all official and some unofficial Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates till 10.1.2012.
* Over 200 MB integrated drivers for SATA/ACHI, LAN, WLAN and Monitors.
* A lot of Windows XP settings have been already set and will be also set for new created Windows XP accounts.
* Booting and Running a little bit faster because some worthless Windows XP files and Programs are removed and all Windows XP Updates are slipstreamed.
* After Windows XP is installation you can choose if you want the Preconfigured Windows XP Settings and the Extra Programs to be implemented, if nothing was chosen in 60 seconds then the option Yes will be automatically selected.

Important Infos:
* This Windows XP is not for Upgrading you must make a clean installation on a formatted Hard disk drive or Partition.
* It is possible to add Extra Programs and Custom Settings by editing the files in the directory “(source)OEMRunOnce” and the file “WINNT.SIF” in the directory “(source)I386″. To do this you need to use a ISO Editor and all files should be opened with a text editor such as Notepad.
* If you are installation this Windows XP on multiple Computers and want the installation process to run full automatically. Then you need use an ISO Editor program and replace the file “WINNT.SIF” in the “(source)OEM” folder with the one that is in the “(source)I386″ folder. If you now Boot from the Disc then your main Hard disk drive will be formatted and a new partition will be create and then Windows XP will be automatically installed on this partition. Note that if you are replacing the “WINNT.SIF” file then the Recovery Console and Repair Option will be disable that noramly you could be run from the Windows XP Disc.
* If the Windows XP installation hangs or you get a Blue Screen error during the Windows XP installation then this is probably because due to a SATA driver problem. To fix this problem you should do the steps under “Infos on how to Remove the included Drivers and include your own Drivers”. If you are getting a Blue Screen error you could use also a workaround for this by going into your BIOS and turn off the option SATA/ACHI or change the SATA mode to IDE. This should normally fix the Blue Screen error, But with this workaround you will loss +/- 15% of your Hard disk speed.
* 7 new Windows XP Themes: (ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0), (Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS), (Windows 7 Colors v1.0), (Disney – It’s a Magical World v1.0), (BlackMesa v1.1), (NeoGeniX LS v1.0), (Royale Remixed v1.47).
* Some new Web Links have been added to the Windows XP Favorites folder.
* Windows XP Key Changer (Keyfinder v1.51) and a text file with working WGA Keys.
* TCP/IP Patch: Allows you to have 16777214 (Max) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of 10.
* Uxtheme Patch: Allows you to use un-signed Custom visual styles.
* SFC Patch: Allows you to disable and enable Windows File Protection with a registry key.
* RAID-5 Patch: This will enable Software RAID-5 Support.
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v4.4.5802 (KB890830).
Driver Packs:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates:
* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows Internet Explorer 8.
* Windows Media Player 11.
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 Service Pack 3 (KB973685).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) Version November 2011.
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2102.
* Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.243.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.248.
New Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Applications:
* Windows XP Powertoy – ClearType Tuner v1.01.
* Windows XP Powertoy – Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0.
* Windows User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB892130) – Cracked Version.
Other Applications:
* 7-Zip v9.20.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.
* HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11.
* SumatraPDF v1.9.
* Unlocker v1.9.1.
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.4.5.0.
* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7 Update 2.
* Flash Player ActiveX Control v11.1.102.55.
* Microsoft Silverlight v5.0.61118.0.
* Microsoft DirectX v9.29.1962.
* Microsoft Visual C-family (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10.
* Microsoft Visual Basic (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7+.
* Applications: Address Book
* Multimedia: Images and Backgrounds, Movie Maker, Music Samples, Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder.
* Network: Communication tools, MSN Explorer, Netmeeting, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger.
* Operating System Options: Blaster/Nachi removal tool, Desktop Cleanup Wizard, Out of Box Experience (OOBE), Tour, Zip Folders.
* Drivers: Display Adapters, IBM ThinkPad, Logitech WingMan, Microsoft SideWinder, Scanners, Serial Pen Tablet, Sony Jog Dial, Toshiba DVD decoder card.
* Files: clock.avi, swtchbrd.bmp, yahoo.bmp.
* Nothing has been removed that could cause any System Problems or any Problems with other Software Applications.
2012.1.15 Changelog:
* Changed the Windows XP update option to automatically download and install the Windows XP updates.
* Re-added default Microsoft IIS (To ensure compatibility with some Microsoft products).
* Re-added default Microsoft FrontPage Extensions (To ensure compatibility with some Microsoft products).
* Re-added default Microsoft Paint.
* Removed Paint.NET.
* Removed Microsoft .NET Framework All-in-One installer (There could be Some update conflict with the custom installer a re-installation of Microsoft .NET Framework fixed this but this is an annoying problem).
* Updated Tweak “Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)” from “v4.3.5701″ to “v4.4.5802″.
* Integrated all Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates form 22.12.2011 till 10.1.2012

Downloading Links Note: Read All The Info First Then Download File.
||Single Resumable Download Links Size: 605MB||
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Shah G Info Center: Windows XP SP3 Black Edition Full 32bit Download Free
Windows XP SP3 Black Edition Full 32bit Download Free
Shah G Info Center
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